• Kelly Price "Heartbroken" Over R&B Divas LA Portrayal; Sings on Sundays Best

    It never fails. Reality stars sign on to gain a little exposure and the moment they are truly "exposed" they don't like it anymore.

    "I've just been praying with Kelly because her heart is broken over what she see's of herself [on the show]," says Kelly's co-star Dawn Robinson. "When you show a bunch of stuff, and you have all of this footage, and then they just break it down to certain parts, and then they omit certain things that you did say, but they don't put that part in there because they want you to look a certain way. So this is why I was telling her, 'Kelly, whatever we do, don't react to people in a angry way because they are going to film that, and that's what they are going to show. They want to show us fighting against each other, they want to show anger, the angry Black woman, and you're so much better than that."

    I'm not buying it, sorry. Regardless of whether or not it was edited a certain way she still acted disrespectfully. For those out of the loop, Kelly Price has been treating her fellow cast members like peasants on TVOne's R&B Divas this season and being a total "diva". It's sad to see her portray herself in such a negative light when she have spent years building and securing her brand. Maybe if she showed this much attitude back in the day Diddy would have actually put her in more videos. No shade.

    Kelly took to BET's Sunday Best last night to do damage control with a performance.

    Thoughts? [Source]

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