• VH1 Cancels 'Ev & Ocho' Reality Show

    Wow. Things must be really serious which would explain why VH1 has decided to cancel the airing of Evelyn Lozada and Chad Ochocinco's reality show. VH1 released a statement moments ago announcing that the show is cancelled with no plans of airing it in the future.

    “Due to the unfortunate events over the weekend and the seriousness of the allegations, VH1 is pulling the series ‘Ev and Ocho’ from its schedule and has no current plans of airing it.”

    Honestly, I believe that Evelyn Lozada may be banned from VH1 all together. She has been nothing but trouble for the network since she has been on the Basketball Wives series. I'm sure the exec's at the network are pissed being that they had already taped an entire season of the spinoff series.

    For those living under a rock, Evelyn was supposedly head-butted by her husband Chad Johnson after just over a month of being married.

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