• Four Reasons Why Black People Should Avoid Twitter

    It is no secret that Twitter is the 'IT' site now. While I do love my young African American brothers and sisters, some of you guys need to avoid Twitter at all cost. It seems that some of you are so caught up on being seen that you fail to realize how ignorant you may actually look.

    Blah. Don't try to blame it on 'auto-correct' when in reality you really didn't know the correct spelling.

    Check out my (4) reasons for why you guys should avoid Twitter.

    1. Running Aaron's? Girl. We are just going to assume that this young lady meant she was running 'errands' with her mother. She was so caught up on poochin' her lips in her avi that she lost her train of thought.

    2. Seizure Salad? Lol. I hope that this dude isn't trying to send himself into a coma. I don't ever want to eat healthy if eating a salad will cause me to have a seizure. I think he meant 'Caeser salad'.

    3. Calm and Sense? She might not have had any 'calm and sense' but you sure don't have literacy. Sir, the correct phrase is 'common sense'. I find this entirely too funny because he was trying so hard to diss someone and ended up looking a fool. He later deleted the tweet.

    4. Benny Hanna? You can tell when people haven't eaten somewhere good when they spell it wrong. Unless 'Benny Hanna' is a new restaurant, I think she means she wants 'Benihana'. Judging from her default she might want to grab a 'seizure salad' though.

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