• Memphitz Files Lawsuit Against K.Michelle, Mona Scott Young, and VH1

    I knew it was only a matter of time before music executive Memphitz filed a lawsuit against his ex-girlfriend singer K.Michelle. For the entire season of VH1's Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta, K.Michelle hasn't done anything but continuously accuse him of beating her while they were together.

    I suppose Memphitz waited so long to file the lawsuit because he wanted to see if anything else negative was said about him before the season ended. Memphitz has filed a lawsuit against K.Michelle, producer Mona Scott Young, and VH1 for one dollar per viewers for every episode that aired which included slander.

    The real shade would be if she actually does has proof as far as text messages from his phone or recorded conversations where he confessed to hitting her. I doubt that pictures with abuse marks would be enough to say that he hit her.

    “Ms. Pate has taken full advantage of society’s tendency to accept claims of domestic violence as always being true, even in the absence of proof," says Memphitz's attorney Conti J. Moore, Esq. "The only abuse that actually occurred is the malicious and calculated pattern of vicious lies Ms. Pate has assailed for the purpose of fabricating a compelling story line in an attempt to ruin my client’s name.”


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