• PHOTO: Rihanna Films Oprah's 'Next Chapter'

    Fans have been patiently waiting for Rihanna's interview with talkshow queen Oprah Winfrey on her 'Next Chapter' series. Oprah jetted to Rihanna's birthplace of Barbados to talk with the superstar about her life and more. Will Rihanna talk about the whole Chris Brown drama again or has she moved on?

    In all honesty, would Rihanna be as big as she is had it not been for the Chris Brown incident? Some of you may say that she was big before then but the songs she had that blew up were written by him.

    I would like to know where Rihanna is mentally in this interview. I no longer care about her being a 'battered woman'. We know Mother O asks the tough questions so this interview should be very enlightening.

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