• PICS: Solange Covers 'Rollercoaster' Magazine; Dear Solange

    Dear Solange,

    I must say that you have been looking quite marvelous in your most recent photoshoots. For four year's I have had this void in my heart since the release of your last album. 'Solange and the Hadley Street Dreams' brought joy to me so many times, but where in the hell is this new album? For the past few years you have provided no answer to your fans that have been patiently waiting for this work of art. You are an ARTIST and your music is like a beautiful painting.

    Stop with all these damn photoshoots unless they are for your new album. I am sick of waiting. Tell us what is going on.

    Anyways, the 'Rollercoaster' spread is my favorite so far.

    Signed, ch...

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