• 'Waiting to Exhale' Sequel to Continue; Oprah Winfrey to Inherit Whitney Houston's Role

    With the sudden death of singer Whitney Houston, one of the first things that crossed my mind was what exactly was going to happen with the sequel to Terry McMillian's 'Waiting to Exhale'. Execs at Fox 2000 have indeed confirmed that the film will go on as planned.

    "I don’t think she would want it to... it's almost in her honor that we think to soldier on" said Elizabeth Gabler, president of Fox 2000 Pictures, to Vulture yesterday afternoon.

    I guess money talks to the point where they will continue with the film even though they feel she wouldn't want them to. When asked who would reprise Whitney's role in the movie, execs say that it isn't inconceivable that Oprah Winfrey might be the one. I honestly believe that Oprah would be the best pick for them if they would like to receive less criticism.

    Another successful film which Whitney starred in 'The Bodyguard' has also been given the green light to continue. Warner Studios said that a new script for the remake of the film has been delivered. Who should play the lead character in the Bodyguard remake? I would say Jennifer Hudson.

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