• VIDEO: Should Jennifer Hudson Tribute Whitney Houston at the Grammy's?

    With so many names being tossed around discussing who should pay tribute to the late Whitney Houston the day before the Grammy Awards, execs have announced that singer Jennifer Hudson will head the tribute along with singer Chaka Khan. Not too many people are excited that Hudson should have the honor of singing in honor of Whitney referencing that a 'legend' should. Exactly what 'legend' possesses the strong voice that Whitney had in her prime? Beyonce?

    Beyonce is absolutely an amazing singer, however I do not hear her voice carrying any tune of Whitney. Did we forget the excitement and approval that Whitney displayed for Hudson after she sang 'I Will Always Love You' at the 2010 BET Honors?

    I am not a fan of Hudson but one cannot deny that she is the perfect candidate for short notice to pay homage to the singer.

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