• Who Knew Royce Reed Was Dating Another Baller?

    Who knew that Lisa Turtle Royce Reed had found herself another baller? The VH1 Basketball Wives reality star is reportedly dating Dezmon Briscoe from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I'm not mad at Royce because he is definitely eye candy. Is this why Evelyn is so jealous of Royce?

    In a recent interview with Loop 21, Royce says:

    He knows my ring size and what I like. We talked about the future and a family and he’s really good with [my son] Braylon. He has a son himself, but I don’t know. I finally found the one after so many times

    I wonder how long the two have been together to be considering marriage? If you don't recall, Royce's baby daddy is Dwight Howard.

    1 comments → Who Knew Royce Reed Was Dating Another Baller?

    1. Royce seems to have found "the one" every time there's a new season of the show.

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