Black History Month is nothing more than financial heaven for retailers. Just imagine how excited they are to put out all of their African American history merchandise that will bring them an additional profit gain for an entire month. Do you really believe that Target cares about what African Americans have done for this nation when they are making a huge profit from teachers and other leaders seeking to pay homage while we work their registers? I find it funny how the news tries to pen the increase of retail sales in February on a rising economy (here) without mentioning the fact that most of the increase more than likely came from the purchasing of Black History merchandise. Hmph.
And why do we settle for being called 'black' when some of us are brown? Another race calling me 'black' is the equivalence of them calling me a 'n*gger' because they obviously know that my skin color is not black. Why?
My point is that if you aren't going to celebrate the accomplishments of our people throughout the year, don't participate in the nonsense to recognize them in February. Do you think Martin marched and Rosa sat for you guys to take field trips and design posters in classrooms to recognize them during that one month? No. I suppose that when February rolls around next year I will be blocking half of you.
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