• [ALBUM REVIEW] 'I Missed Us' - SWV

    Ch. I would have never imagined that I would witness a moment in my life where I would be sitting with a SWV album on repeat. The ladies return to the industry with their first studio album in over ten years. 'I Missed Us' picks up exactly where the ladies left off with their beautiful voices singing real 'R&B'. For starters, the album is definitely for us grown people.

    The ladies sampled quite a few artist on the new album. One of the most notable remakes is Patti LaBelle's 'If Only You Knew' which lead singer Coco totally blew out the water. Sorry Patti, but I think it is safe to say that Coco gave you a run for your money and took it right to the bank. The ladies also sampled the legendary Chaka Khan's 'Do You Love What You Feel' in track 'Do Ya'. The ladies sped the track up a little and gave it more of a grown folks club vibe.

    I had quite a few favorites from the 13-track album. 'Everything I Love' stood out from the beginning due to its catchy chorus and the way that it builds up. The ladies sing about being there for there spouse no matter what in the track; I hope and pray it's their next single. Title track 'I Missed Us' is another one one of my favorites which has single qualities. 'It was not about you and me, it was all about us' is what we hear the ladies sing in the mid-tempo track.

    This album is so relatable. 'The Best Years' sums up my last relationship in which the ladies explain how they gave their ex the best years that they would ever witness. For some reason I keep hearing singer Michelle Williams voice in the track. Hmph.

    Nonetheless, the ladies gave me more than I would have expected from them. The material is not dated and the production is quite nice for them to have completed the album on their own dime. Make sure you purchase your copy of the album if you're about that life. :)

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