• ARTICLE: @CherylFitness Talks Summer Fitness; Gives Tips

    1. Now we know that Summer is right around the corner, what are some of your favorite outdoor exercises?
     I love heading outside and running or biking! 

    2. With the new season comes new eating habits, what are some ways you can cut back but still eat the foods you love? (i.e. ribs, barbecue chicken) 
    Since the weather is getting warmer I love grilling. I try and stick to lean meats and seafood! Veggies are always great grilled and makes you feel like you are having something different then steamed vegetables all the time.

    3. What are some of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to weightloss? 
    I feel the biggest misconceptions are people thinking as long as you workout you can eat whatever you want. Weight loss is about what you eat! Working out is only an added benefit!

    4. What inspired your weight loss? How much have you loss? How?  
    I have lost over 60 pounds. Honestly, I was sick of being the "Big Girl" LOL.  I have tried tons of diets and weight loss programs and P90X and following a healthier diet program has helped me!

    5. What is your favorite workout plan?
    I love Insanity & Spin classes at the gym! 

    6. What do you think about celebrities such as Kelly Rowland (Sexy Ab Challenge) teaming up with companies to do fitness videos? Are they doing it for the money or do the exercises really work? 
    Obviously they are doing it for money! You have to live right? lol. I think its great. A lot of people look up to celebs and always want to know what they did. Now they can get their video! 

    7. Speaking of celebs, do you think that Aretha Franklin had surgery for her weightless? 
    Didn't she? lol

    8. How can we sign up to have you as our fitness coach? 
    You can go to www.beachbodyCoach.com/CherFit and click on Join. Fitness challenge? If you want to join one of my Fitness Challenges just send me an email at coachcher@BeachbodyCoach.com 

    9. What's the best advice that you can give someone that has been battling weight problems? 
    Stop stressing yourself out! It's a lifestyle change. You need to make it a habit for it to happen naturally and stay off. Once you do that and find foods you love and workouts that you enjoy you will make the journey less of a burden!  

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