• RHOA's Marlo Hampton Responds to 'Hole' Comment; Cynthia Wants Sheree Out and Marlo In

    Pause. Why are the people over at Bravo posting Marlo's blogs on their official site when she isn't a part of the official cast? Are they confirming that she will be on the cast next season? Nonetheless, the drama queen took to the blog to respond to her comments about Kim Zolciak 'measuring her own hole'.

    Marlo says:

    You can tell it had been bothering me. That comment about the "hole." It was so rude, so condescending. And until now, I had not had the opportunity to speak on it. So when I finally could, I did, and it was a relief.

    The thing is, I couldn't understand that of all people the judgment would come from her. You were a mistress and you have children by three different fathers. Let me be very CLEAR so that we can all stay completely focused -- this has nothing to do with the children, they are precious and innocents in all this. This has to do with character. I do not feel that this character is in any position to speak about me and definitely not in that way.

    I do not fight on Twitter making nasty comments about people, and then try to hide by not using their handle. When Marlo has something to say, she will tell you directly. And sometimes direct talk can sting...

    In other news, castmate Cynthia Bailey revealed to the Hollywood Reporter that she supports Marlo being made an official cast member:

    “I like shooting with her just in terms of Marlo as a cast mate,” she continues. “Whenever she’s in the equation, things always take a different turn than what they thought it was going to be. So, Marlo would be really, really great to throw into the mix and see what’s going to happen. Things usually are always a little different when she is around. I can honestly say that South Africa would not have been the same if Marlo Hampton had not come on that trip.”

    On Sheree': “As a cast mate, I wish her well. We were never really friends, but I wish her well in her new endeavors.” (Source)

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