• VIDEO: Brian McKnight Wants You To Know

    That he knows how the p*ssy works! LAWD JESUS...  Really Brian Really? Brian McKnight decided that he wants to make an adult mixtape. Is it really THAT bad in the music industry right now? Well Brian came up with a great idea to drop a video asking women to let him show them how the p*ssy works. I guess times are hard for Mr. McKnight at the moment. But honestly it truly hurts my heart for a legend like himself to even stoop this low to get attention. Brian I DO NOT want to hear you on anyone's  song singing about some p*ssy. It doesn't even sounds right coming out of his mouth. But with all the foolery that goes on today in the music industry, I wouldn't be surprised if he released it and it was a hit.

    "They don't know what a tongue is for". Alrighty then Brian!

    Check out the video below.

    1 comments → VIDEO: Brian McKnight Wants You To Know

    1. I'm just sadden by this coming from Brian McKnight one of the last decent R&B singers in the industry today! What happened to morals and standards?There are a thousand things he could write and sing about and he chose the vagina. I think he should rethink this before he damages his clean reputation. The devil is so busy.

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