• Article: Why Does the Sideline Ho Get Angry?

    Does the sideline ho have any rights? I currently have a friend that's been screwing someone outside of their relationship for the past few weeks. For whatever reason, the sideline doesn't like the actual spouse and makes it a priority to let their 'piece' know that each time. The problem is that the sideline doesn't even know the actual spouse.

    Why is it that some people seek to destroy another persons relationship with no purpose? The sideline ho has approached my friend almost demanding a relationship with them despite the fact that my friend is already in a relationship. I understand that my friend is in the wrong but what gives the sideline ho the right to disrespect and get angry. If you come into a situation knowing that you are a background vocalist, why are you trying to sing lead?

    My question is simple. Does the sideline ho have a right to get angry when they came into the situation knowing that they are the sideline ho?

    The actual spouse is the only one that has any right to get mad in this situation because they are one being cheated on. And by no means am I stating that they should be mad at the sideline ho. The sideline ho has nothing to do with your spouse cheating because they were going to do it regardless.

    Let me know.

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