• VIDEO: 'I Felt Like I Was On Mortal Kombat,' Says Bus Driver Uppercut Female

    Ch. The shade continues to get deeper as the story of the Cleveland 'Uppercut' continues to unfold. Shidea Lane, the one that spit and choked the bus driver, sat down with Cleveland's Fox 8 to discuss the incident when has caused her to become an internet sensation.

    If I were to get punched like that on film I would NOT be showing my face in public. She is obviously trying to seek stardom and fame from the situation.


    'It's amazing to see how a man would actually hit a woman that hard,' says Shidea. Really? It's okay for you to choke and spit on someone and not expect to get hit back regardless of how hard the hit was? Ch.

    When asked if she hit him Shidea wanted to speak to her lawyer first. Guilty. 

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