• Beyonce Pulls Out of Clint Eastwood's Film; Releases Statement

    Could Beyonce be working on a new album or tour? Rumors swirled last night that the singer pulled out of Clint Eastwood's remake of 'A Star Is Born'. Beyonce has officially confirmed to E! that she has indeed moved on past the film.

    "I was looking forward to the production of A Star Is Born and the opportunity to work with Clint Eastwood," the Grammy winner said in a statement to E! News. "For months we tried to coordinate our schedules to bring this remake to life but it was just not possible. Hopefully in the future we will get a chance to work together."

    I'm honestly glad that Bey is no longer taking part in the film. I'm tired of celebrities garnering roles just because they can draw in a crowd versus actually playing the part.

    Now if Beyonce would give us another world tour I would be just fine.

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