• Basketball Wives Jennifer Williams Talks Season Finale, Slams Tami Roman and Pulls Out of Show?

    There is no denying that season 4 of VH1s Basketball Wives has been a very aggravating one for castmate Jennifer Williams who has received constant harassment all season from former BFF Evelyn Lozada. Jennifer took to her blog after last nights airing of the finale to say the following about the likes of Tami Roman and Shaunie O'Neal who claim to still be her friends but talk smack behind her back.

    Jen says:

    In relation to the Basketball Wives cast, I feel some of the ladies who claimed to be my friend and claimed to be neutral made snide and slick remarks along with snickering about me.  This proved to me that they indeed were not at all neutral.  

    Jennifer also hinted to the fact that she may not be returning for another season of the show with the closing of the blog saying: 

    Even though this has been a trying season, I hope at some point my cast mates can get along and be civil with one another. I will always appreciate Basketball Wives Season 4 and this time in my life for the abundant lessons learned and personal growth I was forced to face. We all have our own individual imperfections, but I also believe we all have a good heart.  As women of color it is important we uplift and support one another.  I wish all my cast mates continued success and best wishes with their future endeavors.

    Thank you to all my family and friends and loyal supporters for all the love during this trying season. Please continue to support me and my current (www.lucidcosmetics.com) and future business ventures.

    Read the full blog here.

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