• VIDEO: 'Put It In A Bag' - Kalenna

    PBB (Philly Boss Bish) Kalenna serves up the swagtastic visual 'Put It In A Bag' from her mixtape Chamber of Dairies.  The video features rapper B Slimm and was shot in Geneva, Switzerland in a sleek mansion.

    I really like Kalenna although she might not be the prettiest thing to look at. I am definitely a lover of her music. I might get some side eyes for what I'm about to say but, I prefer Kalenna over Dawn any day. I just think Kalenna is more out of the box.  It sometimes seem as if Dawn tries to hard to be hood and out of the box however for Kalenna it just looks effortless.

    Kalenna throws some bars with a long blonde ponytail and big white eye lashes. She wants you to know her money is long like Eddie Long and life is good.  If you don't have her mixtape you NEED to download it. IT'S THE BIZNEZZ! I need a video for Pain and Alcohol and 6000 sistas so my life will be  complete!

    Listen up and pay attention below.

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