• JOURNAL: The Return of VH1 Single Ladies; Is Keisha Stupid?

    I'm sure I don't speak for myself when I say that I was definitely skeptical about the return of VH1s hit scripted series Single Ladies this season when it was announced that Stacy Dash wouldn't return to reprise her role as Val. How could the series not return with one the most valuable player from the team?

    From the previews that had aired I had already determined that the network wouldn't literally replace her, instead they invited a new character into the script known as Raquell. Long story short, Val apparently skipped across the pond to escape her man troubles and what not and plans on not returning to Atlanta because her life hasn't been nothing but a mess lately. I have determined one or two things from the way that they decided to play out Val's exit. Either Val will make a special appearance towards the end of this season or next, or they plan on writing out her love interest Jerry by saying that he moved overseas to be with her. I concluded the part about Jerry from the beginning when Keisha and April kept trying to convince him that Val made a big mistake.

    Nonetheless, the writers of the show decided to waste no time introducing the new character Raquell. Raquell's man troubles come right out at the beginning when she catches her man freaking a chick in her hotel room at an event honoring him. Like how stupid can you be to freak some chick in the same building that your fiancee is in when you know she has a key to HER room? To add fuel to the fire, Raquell is having problems with her job. Damn VH1, can we at least get to experience this chick at her high before you throw her under a bus driven by Precious? blah. blah. blah. Skipping to the end, Raquell's ex-fiancee tries to persuade her that he made a mistake at which one point I thought she would be stupid enough to fall for. Raquell, why would you even take the ride with homeboy when you knew he was NO good.

    Moving on to Keisha. Keisha is definitely the character that a lot of 'black women' could relate too. I know faaaar to many women that would take the 'ride or die' road for their men when he is in trouble. Keisha is living the life while her boo Malcolm is still on the hideout from the FBI for his fraud. Like why would Keisha go visit him for dinner when she knows that the people are watching her every move. Fast forward, Keisha gets arrested and is threatened jail time if she doesn't rat on Malcolm's whereabouts. Keisha's dumbass decides that love is more important and is willing to risk jail-time for the $200,000 in back taxes she owe since they can't lock her up for ratting on her boo. Keisha, were you really putting all of those coins he gave you into your bank account? I thought she was a pro. In the end, Malcolm shows up at the jailhouse just as Keisha was about to dig a bigger hole for herself. Or did Keisha dig a bigger hole for herself when it was revealed to Malcolm that her lawyer is her ex. I can already tell that Keisha's ex is going to be big trouble for her. If she was so far moved on then why would she make the comment on how they could have 'had kids by now and been happily married'? Is Keisha with Malcolm for a little coin or does she really love him? I am still lost.

    And April. Girl, you are so lost right now. First you turn down a great paying position, and now you can't keep a man. Not much too say about you other than to get it together girl.

    Let me know your thoughts below. Would you take the bullet for your man like Keisha did? Should Raquell have given his boo another chance?

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