• Terrence & Rocsi Reportedly Leaving BETs 106 & Park

    After seven years of entertaining the kids on BET's 106 & Park, it is lights out for Terrence J and Rocsi Diaz. The two will leave the show to move on to hopefully bigger and better things. BET is known for twisting and turning things up on their channel. There is really no say as in why they are leaving. 

    I feel BET likes to change things up to keep their audience attention. Change could sometimes be a good thing or a bad thing. I feel as soon as you get used to someone being on the show they change them. Both of the two gained the position through the National "New Faces" talent search. 

    Rocsi was working at Chicago's Power 92 when she auditioned for 106 & Park and got the position. Terrence J did not quite get the position on the first try but did not give up and traveled to the next city to audition again where he was granted the position along side Rocsi. 

    I will be honest when thinking about what their futures hold. I am not worried about Terrence J,  it is Rocsi that has me worried. Terrence J is already making quite a name for himself as a successful actor starring in his #1 movie 'Think Like A Man', 'Burlesque' and more. Rocsi has a syndicated radio show and is trying to dip her foot into the acting pool. I feel Rocsi waited too late to try to get into acting which is something she should have already started doing a long time ago.

    Which leaves me to possibly believe that the two maybe could have been aware of their departure before hand? 

    Rocsi already has something in the works with actress Lynn Whitfield. Good luck to the both of them. I wonder who is going to take their place?

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