• Britney Spears Walks Off X-Factor Set

    Fresh on her new job on X Factor the Femme Fatale herself is making her own rules. Allegedly it is said that the singer got upset because a contestant butchered one of her songs. So Britney got up and walked off. But then it was said that the singer just needed a break so she walked off for a minute. Leaving four other contestants to audition in front of the other judges and an empty chair. 

    Either way I think it's a little too soon for Britney to be on a show like this. Whatever the reason for her to walk off while the show is going on is crazy. Not saying that Britney is not professional but come on that wasn't really the most professional thing to do. If you need a break then wait until commercial or break time. Don't just get up and walk off cause you feel like it. 

    In some ways I feel Simon is really using her just to get ratings which is a shame . Simon KNOWS people will watch just to see what Britney is going to say, do and react to certain things. 

    What are your thoughts on this situation? Is Britney wrong or no?

    S/N *Britney said f*ck waiting on a break I make my own breaks*

    It's Britney B*tch! 

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