• Lil Wayne Reveals His Reason Behind Pulling Nicki Minaj From Summer Jam

    MTV news caught up with Lil Wayne behind the stage at this weekend's Birthday Bash in Atlanta to talk about why he removed Nicki Minaj from the Summer Jam lineup. When Wayne pulled one of his biggest artist who was headlining the concert it left a lot of feathers ruffled by his decision.

    Wayne feels that no woman should be disrespected! I agree BUT what I wanna know is what does Wayne know about respecting a woman from all the lyrics that he raps about women calling them b*thces and h*oes and saying how he is going to bruise the p*Susy. I mean seriously? I honestly do think Wayne is a nice guy but some of the stuff he says comes off a little comical or hypercritical might I add.

    Now I personally agree with him I would have done the same thing as far as the concert but that's neither here nor there. Any who check it out below and see what Wayne had to say about his Barbie.

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