• VH1s Basketball Wives Suffer Ratings Drop

    Ch. I knew it was only a matter of time before everyone lost interest in the ignorance that occurs on VH1s  Basketball Thugs Wives. It appears that the franchise may be losing steam after dropping to 1.74 million viewers this past week. Let me remind you guys that the season premiere of the show saw over 2 million viewers and it was only two weeks ago that the show had 1.85 million viewers.

    It will be interesting to see how the show is rebranded next season if there is one. And what is this I hear about a petition circling around with over 200,000 signatures against the show? I need to find that and sign it.

    UPDATE - I found a petition against Ev and Ocho's spinoff here.

    1 comments → VH1s Basketball Wives Suffer Ratings Drop

    1. Please don't watch this show. It is disgraceful how these grown woman act. I can't believe these so call woman have children. I see why Kenny Anderson dumpped Tammi busted ass. He not even with her and she still makes him look bad, just by the way she acts. Jennifer is a class act and Shaunie, Tammi and especially Evelyn are JEALOUS of her. It goes to show money doesn't make you classy a hoe is still a hoe, a bum is still a bum and bully is still a bully.

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