I am proud of Kirk. A man that admits the fact he does or does not want a child gets kudos from me. It’s simply honesty. Everything after this honesty is psychological abuse; the power Kirk tries to wield over Rasheeda’s reproductive rights is appalling.
Black Twitter was furious with Kirk last night. Nothing tops ‘fag’ as the most emasculating and dehumanizing term used to describe Kirk last night. The consensus on Black Twitter, the sounding board for our favorite melo-dramatic reality-soaps, was “how dare this husband talk to his wife this way.” While it is appalling that he could speak to his wife this way, I could honestly careless about his tone. It doesn’t matter how the message is delivered; it is the message period. Why is it that we only notice the Big Bad Wolf when he huffs and puffs, but not when he whispers softly with the same ferocious teeth?
Attempting to control a woman’s body and her reproductive rights is appalling no matter how it is said and no matter who is doing the talking. Yes Pro-lifers would disagree with Kirk that Rasheeda, the bubblegum comeback kid should get an abortion; instead they agree on the all-important notion that a single woman should not be able to decide the fate of her body. Precious life is not what is at stake, as Pro-lifers would have us believe. Kirk illustrates the agenda that is at the root of the Pro-life movement: control; whoever has control of women’s’ reproductive rights holds a monopoly on life.
June 3rd the Washington Post reported the El Salvador Supreme Court denied Beatriz (an alias), a woman with lupus and kidney failure, an abortion. After 27 weeks of pregnancy a cesarean section or C-section was performed. The doctors delivered a baby girl with no brain; reportedly she died 5 hours later. Before the procedure Beatriz’s lawyers argued in court that continuing the pregnancy would endanger her life, reportedly her doctors agreed.
El Salvador’s law prohibits abortion. Any doctor that performs what could be a life saving procedure for the mother could face arrest and criminal charges, the mother too. The Associated Press reports, “There have been cases in El Salvador in which women who had abortions have been convicted of homicide and sentenced to 30 years in prison.”
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