• Kelly Rowland Talks Abusive Relationship & More

    Kelly Rowland had every tongue in the industry wagging last month when she released her new single 'Dirty Laundry' which was penned by the Dream. The song lyrically paints the picture of Kelly's past life which included an abusive relationship and feelings of doubt about her career.

    Kelly opened up about that abusive relative with OMG! Insider host Kevin Frazier this week.

    'A piece of me would go away every time he would say something,' she says 'I'll never forget those things... I'll forgive him, he's a different person now but it was things to tear me down as a person, as a woman.'

    Kelly is gearing up for the release of her fourth solo album post - Destiny's Child. Kelly's new album Talk A Good Game hits store shelves on June 18th. She recently shot the video for Fantasia's new single 'Without Me' and will begin shooting her new video for 'Dirty Laundry' today.

    Check out a recent performance of 'Dirty Laundry' from The Lights Out Tour below.


    Check out a new promo pic released by the singer last week.

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